Preserving the Spirit

“Who Am I?” The question we face every moment of our spiritual life. And if the answer is other than Spirit, then adjustments are needed. And not later as the ego might demand, but now. Doing what one knows to do to draw closer to one’s true self, and to divinity. Action taken to enhance […]

Godly Creation

The search to know the Absolute and its ways has given rise to a metaphysical ambiguity in which diverse theologies have created the multiplicity of gods that people worship. And with this has come misleading conclusions about the human race and its relationship with GodSpiritSource. It is the Absolute formless and changeless that creates the […]

Discipline Your Mystic

When you pray don’t ask God for anything. Gratitude, worship, and contemplative prayer are best. Removing yourself from the center of attention always brings you closer to God. Relinquish your ego’s omnipotence narrative, it is nothing but fiction. Declare all life’s blessings and miracles to be possessions of God. And with gratitude return all gifts […]

Doing Right and Being True

In considering the righteous and compassionate path to enlightenment one eventually makes the decision to be happy, joyful actually, in doing the right thing. A challenge because it requires relinquishment of our desires. And demands we forgive others and put them before ourselves. To this end one often uses the rationale that “all is good […]

Mind Ways

Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs your mind frequently moves from one topic to another. Usually not concentrating well enough to problem solve, only enough to be bothersome about something important you must decide, or do in the future. Worse, if your mind has decided to revisit the past, endless replays tend to dominate, […]

Beginner’s Awakened Mind

Having fallen in love with Consciousness you fell in love with the true self, the Oneself, and your ego-self ceased to exist. Though not enlightened, you now know you will intermittently experience the world through emptiness as the witness. You now have experiences in which the boundaries between you and the world are diminished. And […]

Pray as You Want, but Pray in the Now

Pray as you want, or don’t pray at all. Meditate, chant, sing, cite poetry or do none of it. But if you do, sometimes consider using the following technique of doing it in the present moment. Not in some future oriented, often petitionary way; and not in some grateful manner or attempt at worship which […]

Higher Consciousness in Six Hundred Forty Words

The following description of consciousness is written from the Transmodern Spirituality perspective. And done so intentionally without reference to God or Spirit. Readers should feel free to add them if they wish. Over millennia, philosophy, science, religion, and spiritual traditions have studied human consciousness and have distinguished ordinary from higher consciousness. The mind is considered […]

Toward Faith

Metaphysics and spirituality come together in the mystical principle of alchemy. When purifying some personal trait, bringing oneself to perfection, every last bit of untruth will be revealed to you. It is paramount to remove all of these aspects of separation from God that stand in the way of mystical union. And mystics embrace this […]